ABOUT                                                                  WORDS                                                                 SEASONS                                                                           HOME                                                           DEEP DOWN


 I'm so glad you stopped by!  There's always room at my table!

Thank you for being here!  God gives each of us a journey to travel.  My journey has been a journey of personal growth, self-discovery, challenges and accomplishments celebrated.  I pray that you will be encouraged and inspired as I share my experiences and lessons learned.  Come sit at my table with your cup of coffee and discover, laugh, cry, experience "aha" moments with me, discover something that was just the thing that you needed to hear, make a new idea your very own or choose something to tuck away in your heart to be treasured and remembered.  Nothing I share "is new under the sun."   I'm just here to say that each one of us is unique and that it's okay to be you and to express your feelings and creativity unabashedly. 

"View from My Window" was born in my heart several years ago but I was too fearful to open myself up and be vulnerable.  I also was too intimidated by the many excellent bloggers out there that "have it altogether!"  But then I thought, "Why not?!?"  If nothing else comes of it, I have chance to express myself and document the cherished moments of my life.    So I am taking a leap of faith in creating and sharing "View from My Window," which simply means . . . a view from MY window. 

We each have a different view from our window.  What I am sharing is solely my own personal experiences, understandings and other's influences in my life.  More times than not, it won't necessarily be how you see things and that is ok.  We have all been created individually to learn from each other and we need to celebrate that!  If what I share coincides with how you see things or brings a new light to you, then I feel I have helped you on your journey.  I do not come to you as an expert of life but as a woman that has been granted grace from her heavenly Father to experience, share and give back.